Kolinpharma per il sociale
Love of well-being, for everyone.
Research and progress, here in KOLINPHARMA®, also mean social commitment. Each of our actions and strategies originates from a one-track mind: the well-being of each individual. The values we share, the fundamental topic of our code of ethics, make our reality much more than just a Nutraceutical Company.
“We care about the people
and needs of each of them.”
We always believe in the power of harmony and we are committed to helping anyone who needs it because we know that a better world is truly possible. KOLINPHARMA® drives change: for a world of well-being, equality and equal opportunities.

KIPTOGO is the KOLINPHARMA® project which supports the right to education of the children and young people of Kouni: one of the poorest villages in Togo.
Kolinpharma per il sociale
The concrete objective was to provide classes, made up of 78 children from 2 to 16 years old, with the necessary resources for learning and teaching.

With the first expedition of #KIPTOGO we collected and brought backpacks, notebooks, books, pencils and all the materials necessary for the study to the village, as well as blackboards, globes and other teaching tools for teachers. We also thought of families bringing them, under the Christmas holidays, many food baskets.

The second expedition brought a rainbow of colors to Kouni and the goal of promoting equality and cooperation through sport. In this case, the children were given school and sports uniforms and soccer balls so that the game could also become more exciting.

The school principal thanks: "From now on all children will feel equal and free to express themselves. We sincerely thank the KIPTOGO committee and hope that the class reconstruction project will take place in a short time. God bless you. Thank you."

The journey continues. The commitment of KOLINPHARMA® continues with the promise to rebuild the entire school building to give continuity and stability to the schooling process.

“The gratitude of those who receive it makes us even more grateful and determined to be more and more alongside those who need it.”

“Science accuracy and listen to people”
“Science accuracy and listen to people”